When you get your electricity bill, the chances are high that you look at the total cost first. Most likely, you stop at that and don’t bother examining the number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) you’ve consumed. Maybe you don’t even know what those numbers mean and what’s the difference between a kW and a kWh. Well, you’re not alone. Many people, including some who work in the energy industry, don’t know what a kilowatt is (kW) is, more so how it differs from kilowatt-hours(kWh). Some think the two are the same. They’re not. If you want to get a grasp of where your utility bases the amount you pay for your energy bills, this article might be of help.
By Clay Cole|2023-06-30T06:12:56-06:00April 20th, 2021|Information|Comments Off on What is a Kilowatt and a Kilowatt Hour?
About the Author: Clay Cole
Clay Cole's journey from the scenic landscapes of Vail, Colorado, to transforming homes into Solar-Powered Sanctuaries is fueled by his love for nature and a knack for hands-on creation. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Communications from Metropolitan State University of Denver, Clay combines his passion for the outdoors with a career in solar renewable energy. He shares his expertise to help others embrace sustainable living through informative and helpful content.