When you get a chance to visit the greater Denver metro area, be sure you include a visit to Littleton, CO.  You’ll find lots of trails to hike, lakes, state parks, municipal parks, and many things to keep you busy.  But the one place you are sure to like is The Littleton Museum. Denver, CO can be seen here.

Littleton Museum

Located at 6028 S. Gallup Street in Littleton, this museum covers 40 acres next to Ketring Lake. It has an interactive, hands-on gallery for the children, a lecture hall, and a research center. Click here to read about Lakewood, Colorado.

The fine arts gallery showcases both original art and photography.  The Smithsonian Institution sends traveling exhibits to the Littleton Museum.  This museum was the first Colorado museum to be listed as an affiliate of the Smithsonian.

Living History Farm Sites

The Littleton Museum has two living history farm sites. Kids and adults love these farms. Interpreters are dressed in period costumes and work on the farm, blacksmith shop, and the one-room schoolhouse.

One popular farm program is called “Sheep to Shawl,” which shows all the steps in turning wool from a live sheep into a shawl.